Monday, April 11, 2011

Thinking of Amy...

On this Monday my thoughts and prayers are with Amy & David E., Amy suffered a massive heart attack last night and is in ICU. The doctors told David there was significant damage to Amy’s heart.  Amy is a sweet beautiful woman that I’ve had the honor of knowing for several years. David and Amy are the creators of the couples training “How to Create Intimacy & Respect” and have devoted their lives to helping others. I pray for a miraculous recovery and healing for her.


Amy’s situation really hits home with me, she’s way too young for this to happen and reminds me just how important our daily choices are.  I’ve chosen to live a healthier lifestyle today so I will have long healthy tomorrows with those I love.


There are so many causes of heart disease: genetics, nutrition, stress, etc… we only have control of so many of those however nutrition is one that we have 100% control. Yesterday I let myself get overwhelmed and was tempted to give up and go back to “convenience” food. However, I have a renewed belief that the choices I make today are going to determine the quality of my future and that of my family.


I choose a long, happy and healthy life with the man of my dreams. Today I choose to make the best choices I can. Sometimes those are hard choices and many times they are not convenient. But I have faith they will be worth it!


Keep on Keeping it Real. DD



Here are a few links that I’ve run across that have given me pause. One thing to keep in mind is to not allow these types of stories to scare you but to help you make educated decisions to live a healthier life.


The secret killer:


Dangers of BPA:


  1. I like your assertion that these things need to make us think, not make us feel scared. The stress of the fear just makes it harder for me and makes me want to stick my head in the sand. Thanks for pointing out that there is a different way to approach the information!

  2. Dana, I tend to take info Like this and run with it without looking both ways lol. The BPA thing kinda freaked me out last week but when I tried to implement changes I realized it would be DRASTIC to cut out all plastic. But I am playing it safe and not reusing plastic bottles. I just found some good info on, search which plastics are safe. Thanks for checking out my blog. Have a great day.

  3. Nice post, Deanna...

    As you know I spend a lot of time with Amy and David at CIR; and we were all together, right before she went to get checked out...

    Best advice I'd offer to everyone today; go for a long walk and do it more days than you don't do it! Remember the first time someone told you to be watch what you eat and get some exercise. Occam's Razor says that oft times the simplest answer is the best... and its *extra* true about diet and exercise :O)

  4. Jon, Thank you for writing. I hope and pray Amy makes a full recovery and you are so right, diet and exercise are some of the biggest components to living healthy. I know I'm very guilty of living a sedentary lifestyle...I sit at a desk 10 hours a day then go home, cook dinner and sit in front of the tv for a couple of hours before going to bed so I can get up at 5:00am and do it all over again.
    I am so proud of you...running in marathons and training almost everyday! You're looking great and I bet feeling great too!

    I am still trying to find something to motivate myself enough to get more movement in my life. You've motivated me to at the very least take a walk around the parking lot during a break. I also researched some yoga studios today.

    Thanks Jon! And please keep us updated on Amy. Love you & miss you!

  5. I wish all my exercise were fun and easy but that's not true. But the alternatives are pretty scary to me. I am 55 1/2 and trying not to look like it or feel like it. Being consistent is the hardest and also the most important part. I say, grab Aaron or the kid, or the dog, or your Ipod; walk 15 minutes in one direction away from your house and then the only way you can get back is to walk another 15 mins.

    The other day I was running 4 miles, preparing for my race on Saturday, and I can remember when I could barely walk ONE mile. But I started slow and just kept after it, no easy, not always fun, but I think its soooo worth it!
